Home remedies for hemorrhoids: effective natural remedies to treat them and can help also from gemmotherapy, Discover now in this post.
Hemorrhoids are represented in our body by two normal anatomical vascular structures: the internal hemorrhoidal plexus, located in the submucosa inside the anal canal and the external hemorrhoidal plexus, located subcutaneously at the edge of the anal orifice. An alteration to these anatomical structures causes “haemorrhoidal disease”.
Hemorrhoidal disease, commonly called “hemorrhoids”, is an annoying, recurrent disorder that afflicts some people even several times a year, especially in seasonal changes. The hemorrhoidal crisis is characterized by symptoms such as: heaviness, congestion, pain, itching, prolapse of the mucous membrane; hemorrhoid causes: alcohol abuse, spicy foods, stress, prolonged exertion, untreated constipation, pregnancy.
The medical examination is necessary in the following situations: presence of blood in the stool (hemorrhoids can mask a carcinoma of the rectum-sigma); poor response to treatment (continuous and unbearable pain must lead to suspicion of hemorrhoidal thrombosis); recent onset, especially if the hemorrhoids are associated with alterations of the hive.
Internal and external hemorrhoids
Each time the internal haemorrhoidal plexus dilates, an increase in the mass of the supporting tissue is observed and the resulting venous swelling is called internal haemorrhoid. Occasionally, internal hemorrhoids swell sufficiently to prolapse under the anal sphincter. They are classified according to symptoms and test findings. Stages:
- bleeding but not protrusion;
- protrusion after defecation, spontaneously reduces;
- protrusion after defecation, must be reduced manually;
- the protrusion is not reducible.
External hemorrhoids are due to a dilation or thrombosis of the external rectal plexus, constipation, diarrhea, weight lifting, cough, childbirth. Symptoms of external hemorrhoids: perianal lump, often painful with bleeding, slight discomfort, spontaneous resolution if homeostasis is restored. External shreds of skin on the anus are the remnants of previous external hemorrhoids. Thrombosis and increased dilation trigger a cycle of edema and sharp pains, which worsen during defecation or sitting for a long time, and bleeding after defecation. If a patient has external hemorrhoids, internal ones are likely present.
Home remedies for hemorrhoids: Natural care
- take care of nutrition and exercise. “Hemorrhoids” are rare in cultures with high-fiber diets and unrefined foods. Low-fiber diets lead to strain during defecation due to smaller, harder stools. The effort increases abdominal pressure, obstructing venous return, increasing pelvic congestion and weakening the veins. In particular, those suffering from hemorrhoids should also avoid or limit the consumption of spicy or spicy foods such as pepper, mustard, ginger, alcoholic beverages, garlic and onion, because they stimulate the anorectal mucosa and aggravate symptoms such as bleeding and prolapse of hemorrhoids.
- internal and external hemorrhoid treatments (in the early stages, non-surgical). In phytotherapy, plants with astringent action, constricting pots are used, including: butcher’s broom, horse chestnut, witch hazel. The butcher’s broom (or butcher’s broom) in particular is the remedy of choice for the functionality of the hemorrhoidal plexus. On erboristeriacomo.it you will find quick cure for hemorrhoids: the Fitoproct hemorrhoid supplement, prepared in collaboration with the Italian phytotherapists association to which we belong, and the Fitoproct medical device natural rectal cream for the internal and external treatment of hemorrhoids.
- Hemorrhoids and bud extracts.
Home remedies for hemorrhoids: Hemorrhoids and bud extracts
In parallel with the therapies recommended by the doctor and / or phytotherapies, the bud extracs are useful adjuvants. In particular, according to Prof. dott. Brigo, but also according to Dr. Campanini, the gemmoderivati for hemorrhoids are: horse chestnut and rowan. Let’s see better why and how to take them.
1) Horse chestnut bud extract:
the horse chestnut buds seem to be the most active part of the plant: capillary fragility, hemorrhoids, alterations affecting the peripheral venous system (varices) are the main therapeutic indications of this bud extract.
Thanks to the venotonic and vasculoprotective action, there is, in fact, an increase in venous tone with a decrease in venous emptying times and consequent reduction in stasis. At the level of microcirculation, a normalization of permeability and an increase in capillary resistance occur which, in addition to decreasing the fragility of the capillaries themselves, contributes to the remarkable vasoprotective, anti-exudative and anti-edema capacities of the horse chestnut buds. It is also important to point out that the bud extract, unlike the other galenic forms, has a shorter latency time in manifesting the therapeutic response.
For these characteristics, for example, its prescription is particularly useful in the treatment of the haemorrhoidal crisis where it can also be combined with classic drug therapy.
The professor. Bruno Brigo recommends taking 50 drops of horse chestnut bud extract diluted in a little water even every hour in the haemorrhoidal crisis, thinning according to the improvement. In the haemorrhoidal crisis, horse chestnut acts quickly, showing its effectiveness already 15-20 minutes after administration. In relapsing hemorrhoids, the average dosage is 50 drops per day.
2) Sorbus bud extract
Sorbus is considered a specific remedy for veins, as it tones the venous wall, fights inflammation and reduces congestive phenomena. It is useful in circulatory disorders of menopause, in association with the chestnut bud extract, the sorbus bud extract is useful for microcirculation and heavy legs, while together with the horse chestnut bud extract it is particularly indicated in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
The professor Bruno Brigo recommends taking 50 drops of bud extract diluted in a little water in relapsing hemorrhoids, in association with horse chestnut bud extract. Dr. Campanini, in her book on gemmotherapy, indicates how to use the horse chestnut and rowan bud extract for the treatment of hemorrhoids: rowan bud extract 50 drops in water before breakfast and horse chestnut bud extract 50 drops in water before lunch and dinner. The two bud extractives should be taken for 20 days a month for 2-3 months.
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