How to detox your body with gemmotherapy and to maintain a state of balance: we tell you about what’s body draining technique.


What does drainage mean in gemmotherapy?

In gemmotherapy there is much talk of drainage. Draining means increasing the overall physiological functions of body purification in a balanced way and determining a deep detoxifying action at ground level.

By “soil” we mean “the set of factors that pre-exist at the onset of the disease and which can favor its onset and prognosis”. The reason why it is advisable to work on the “ground” explains Dr. Valnet (1976): “the great physiological laws influence everyone, but their manifestations have a personal character in each individuality. It is clear that the soil, being the physiological center proper to each one, must be the major concern of every true therapy “.

The state of health depends on the balance between individual terrain and environmental stresses, which, if too strong or persistent, may be able to alter internal homeostasis and lead, therefore, to a state of illness.

What is drainage technique and what is it for?

The “drainage” is a particular technique that consists in the mild stimulation, through an appropriate dosage, of one or more organs with elimination functions (that is, to increase the diuresis, the coleresis, the intestinal transit, the secretion of the sweat glands etc.) in order to free the body from metabolic waste (improperly called toxins) that have accumulated by overloading the organism.

A good drainage allows the elimination of toxins by the organism through what are considered the natural excretors: liver, kidneys, intestines and skin, putting the organism in the condition to recover an altered balance and to respond better to a therapy.

Drainage: what’s Bud extracts action 

Bud extracts ​​can perform, thanks to the presence of tissue biostimulins (auxins and gibberellins) and to the low dilution with which they are used, a draining action at the level of the excretory organs and a stimulus action at the level of the reticulo-endothelial system as are able to enhance both the anti-inflammatory and detoxifying action (action highlighted by the Halpern test).

The endothelial reticulum system, whose elements are present in the lymphatic nodules, in the spleen, in the liver, in the bone marrow and in the lungs, plays an important role in the defense against pathogens, together with the white blood cells: this function is accomplished thanks to phagocytic activity and an active reproduction able to block the ways of diffusion of the same.

Drainage: how to use bud extracts ​​for their action

The recommended dosage for a mild stimulation of the excretory organs is 20-30 drops of gemmoderivato (M.G. 1DH) in a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed.

If the drainage is carried out before a therapeutic cycle, of whatever nature it is, it will be prescribed for 20 days in order to prepare the organism for the following therapy. If, on the other hand, it is carried out, by necessity, at the same time as the basic treatment, it will be able not only to limit possible side effects, but also to enhance the body’s response to therapy.

How to detox you body: different types of drainage

Drainage can be undifferentiated or “soil” or organ-specific. The specific drainage, as mentioned above, can precede or be concomitant or follow the basic therapy.

a) undifferentiated or “soil” drainage: this type of drainage is usually carried out with gemmoderivati ​​which act mainly on the hepato-renal apparatus and on the Endothelial Reticulum System and guarantees an optimal rebalancing of the whole organism; it can be implemented at any time, even as an act of prevention to maintain good health. This drainage must be carried out at least 2-3 times a year, for cycles of 20 days. Here are the electro-derivative gems for this type of drainage:

  • bud extract of betula pubescens (buds): this is the bud extract of excellence for general drainage; “It exerts a tonic-stimulating drainage action that prepares the body for the action of other bud derivatives” Pol Henry (1959);
  • juniper bud extract (young shoots): excellent hepato-renal drainage. Particular juniper regenerates at the level of the liver and at the level of the hepatic cell, where it exerts a stimulating and stimulating function and on the kidney of which it stimulates. Useful in the prevention phase to restore internal balance (homeostasis) in subjects suffering from allergies of various kinds and in the course of drug therapy as it would be able to counteract the side effects of any drugs used;
  • birch sap: general drainage for the body, rich in trace elements (including potassium), it is the ideal purifying, diuretic, anti-cellulite treatment that can also replace any other remedy at the beginning of winter weight reduction treatments . It stimulates diuresis and the elimination of metabolic waste, cholesterol and uric acid in particular; it also has analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity. It can be associated with other specific bud extractives such as Betula pubescens, Juniperus communis (juniper), Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary). It is used in the treatment of cellulite, where it reduces kneading and the algic component as well as counteracting, thanks to the increase in diuresis, the net water intake almost always present. For these peculiarities and for the hypocholesterolemic activity that characterizes it, it falls within the therapeutic schemes of the treatment of overweight.
  • blackcurrant bud extract (buds): Ribes nigrum stimulates the activation of the Reticular Endothelial System and increases the body’s potential for immune response. According to Piterà Ribes nigrum, it can be prescribed whenever the suffix “ite” is present in the syndrome to be treated, that is, when inflammation is present ”.

How to detox: specific drainage of the excretory organs

The specific drainage “plays a complementary role compared to other therapies in the treatment of various diseases” (Brigo, op. Cit., 1997): Thanks to an adequate drainage of the organ it would be possible, in fact, to optimize the therapeutic intervention as the drained organ is placed in the best conditions to be able to receive the actual therapeutic treatment.

  • Hepato-renal drainage: with rosmarinus officinalis bud extract and juniper. Useful for example in subjects who, as a result of food intemperance, present, in addition to signs of “small liver failure”, an altered lipid structure;
  • Renal drainage: birch sap, juniper bud extract, betula pubescens internal root peel, cranberry (Vaccinium vitis idaea);
  • Intestinal drainage: cranberry bud extract (Vaccinium vitis idaea), which in addition to representing a specific remedy in the treatment of relapsing cystitis, is also a remedy for all disorders affecting the colon, such as irritable colon, spastic colitis, meteorism;
  • Skin drainage: bud extract of juniper, elm, cedar. A small note: in the internal treatment of dermatitis, for example, the first place is due to the bud extract of black currant (ribes nigrum) buds;
  • Lymphatic drainage: The chestnut buds (Castanea vesca) show an elective organotropism towards the lymphatic vessels at the level of which they carry out a drainage action, in particular in the lower limbs, where it helps to eliminate the lymphatic stasis responsible for edema and consequent sense of heaviness. In the treatment of veno-lymphatic insufficiency of the lower limbs and in the treatment of cellulite, it is generally associated with the bud extract of Sorbo (Sorbus domestica). It is recommended to take Chesnut bud extract in the evening, before the night’s rest (Brigo B., op. Cit., 2004).

Specific drainage of the excretors: when and how to do it

Specific drainage may precede, concomitant or follow basic therapy:

  • Pre-therapeutic drainage: it is carried out no more than two weeks before starting the actual therapeutic treatment (pharmacological or implemented with other drugs) and serves to prepare the subject for the main therapy. The choice of the bud extract can be aimed at the pathology to be treated (to gently stimulate the organ or apparatus to cure) or it can be directed to generically stimulate the hepato-renal filter.
  • Intra-therapeutic drainage: it is carried out during a therapeutic cycle: it will serve not only to limit the possible side effects of the current pharmacological treatment, but possibly to enhance the body’s response to therapy.
  • Post-therapeutic drainage: it is done for 2-3 weeks at the most, at the end of a therapeutic treatment of whatever type it is. The bud extracts ​​will be chosen that have similar properties to the remedies used during the actual therapeutic cycle and obviously will change the dosage that will be the peculiar one of the drainage: it is then researched purifying but also maintenance activity with respect to the therapeutic cycle just ended.

Dr. Laura Comollo

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