Having the right balance of iron values ​​is important for the health of our body. The absorption of iron can be facilitated or not different factors, dietary and not. Discover the natural remedy we recommend for iron deficiency.


Iron deficency: anemia

Anemia is a clinical condition characterized by the decrease in the total amount of hemoglobin (Hb) carried by red blood cells (or “erythrocytes”) below the reference values ​​(below 13.5 g / dL in an adult male or under 12.5 g / dL in an adult woman). The reduction in hemoglobin concentration is often associated with a decrease in the number of erythrocytes and hematocrit. Hemoglobin contained within erythrocytes is necessary for transporting and releasing oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Without sufficient oxygen supply, many tissues and organs throughout the body may experience adverse events.

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia.

Iron deficency: symptoms

  • tiredness,
  • exhaustion,
  • headache,
  • decreased body defenses,
  • hair loss,
  • brittle and dull nails,
  • paleness of the skin and mucous membranes.

Why metabolic balance of iron is so importants?

Iron is an integral part of the hemoglobin molecule, where it binds oxygen reversibly; it is essential for the production of Red Blood Cells. Iron is a fundamental trace element for life: it is used to transport oxygen in the blood, to keep it deposited in the muscles, for cellular respiratory activity, for cell replication and to build the structure of tissues and organs.

If iron is accumulated in excess considerable damage can be produced, since it participates in reactions that produce free oxygen radicals. Its metabolic balance, therefore, is carefully controlled by the organism which finds itself in a delicate balance between the need to accumulate sufficient quantities of iron to ensure adequate erythropoiesis and to avoid accumulating dangerous quantities. The mechanism of controlling the amount of iron in the body consists in limiting its absorption and not through the regulation of its excretion.

What are the foods rich in assimilable iron and those that reduce it

The diet contains on average about 6 mg of iron for every 1000 calories. The best foods rich in assimilable iron include meat, fish, beans, tofu and chickpeas.

Under normal conditions about 10% of the iron present in the food is absorbed (1 mg / day) and this occurs at the level of the duodenum and the proximal portion of the jejunum. The high pH of pancreatic juice and agents capable of binding iron, such as phytates present in cereals, tannates in tea, carbonates, oxalates and phosphates, as well as antacid drugs, decrease iron absorption, while reducing agents such as ascorbic acid facilitates absorption. In the vegetarian diet the high concentration of phytates, oxalates and phosphates therefore reduces the already low availability of iron in these subjects.

Iron deficency: the diagnosis 

The alterations of iron metabolism are manifested both as deficiency diseases and as excessive accumulation diseases; the laboratory diagnostics in this field essentially uses the dosage of sideremia, transferrinine and ferritinemia:

sideremia: in serum, iron is mainly transmitted by transferrin and transported to the storage organs and the bone marrow, so with the term “sideremia”, we mean the dosage of the transport iron, being the free portion negligible. It is useful for assessing the status of iron reserves. The reference values ​​vary according to age and sex: for example, for men: 80-170 μg / dL; for women: 60-140 μg / dL; for the elderly: 40-80 μg / dL;

serum transferrin: transferrin is synthesized by the liver and in plasma it binds to iron ions, making it possible to transport it to the bloodstream to the various organs, for example: to muscle tissue, for the synthesis of myoglobin and to bone marrow for the synthesis of hemoglobin. It is present in the plasma in a free form and in a bound form. The parameter to measure it is the total capacity to bind iron (TIBC: Total Iron Binding Protein Capacity). Under physiological conditions, transferrin is saturated for about 30%: values ​​below 18% indicate an iron-deficient state; values ​​over 50% indicate iron overload;

– ferritinemia: Ferritin is the form of excess iron deposit of tissue, and small amounts are present in the circulation: the parameter of ferritinemia, is the most sensitive to highlight situations of iron deficiency or accumulation, as it is in relation to deposits iron in the body. Increase: hemochromatosis; Decrease: Iron deficiency, Vitamin C deficiency; Fake Positives: Inflammation, Tumors, Liver Diseases.

The use of these markers (serum iron, transferrin, ferritin) is not alone sufficient to contribute to the diagnosis of diseases associated with iron deficiency (eg anemia); in many cases it is necessary to resort also to the evaluation of other laboratory parameters such as the examination of the blood count.

Iron deficency: causes

  • insufficient intake of iron with food: (increased daily requirement in pregnant women, lactating women and during the growth of the child);
  • increased iron losses: (heavy menstruation, occult bleeding in ulcers, diverticulosis or ulcerated polyps, rupture of varicose veins, haemorrhoids or through episodes of nasal bleeding);
  • poor absorption of the introduced iron: (diets rich in cereals and poor in meat such as for example in vegetarian diets, lack of vitamins and minerals, poor conditions of the intestine in the mucous membrane of absorption, malabsorption of the elderly).

The best iron supplement as it should be

The best iron supplement is the one that allows easy assimilation (bioavailability) of iron with the least possible side effects. We know that the assimilation of iron is influenced by the presence of other nutrients that determine its bioavailability. This is why, in cases of increased need for iron, iron should be taken in synergy with other active ingredients assisting its activity, such as: folic acid (essential for the normal production of red blood cells), manganese (indirectly contributes to the use of circulating iron and therefore to the prevention and treatment of iron deficiencies), vitamin B12 (helps to manufacture and renew red blood cells), vitamin E (indicated for its antioxidant action in all cases of tendency to iron deficiencies), vitamin C (makes iron better absorbable by the mucous membrane, transforming it into the ferrous form).

It is scientifically established that everything natural is better assimilated by the body. Nature is able to provide us with macronutrients, vitamins and minerals, mainly thanks to the fruit and vegetables that are a reserve of these substances. Being able to dispose of the aforementioned nutrients in natural form puts us in the condition of maximizing their absorption and use.

Iron supplements: the tip of Erboristeria Como

In light of all this, among the iron supplements, a very valid natural iron supplement that offers you our online herbal shop is Ferrogreen plus, best natural iron supplement, new enhanced formula, by Specchiasol research.

Ferrogreen tablets, the best natural iron supplement, in this new enhanced formula, because:

  • does not cause digestive and intestinal disorders, is more bioavailable, more digestible, with a pleasant taste, gluten-free and lactose-free.
  • resists the acidity of the stomach and other components of the digestive process until the walls of the enterocytes of the duodenum and jejunum are reached;
  • does not darken the teeth;
  • it does not cause diarrhea or constipation.
  • Ferrogreen is an iron supplement suitable for pregnant women.

But let’s find out more about this effective natural iron supplement.

Ferrogreen plus tablets, new formula, contains: highly bioavailable iron (Lipocoated® iron, in patented liposomal form) in synergy with Spinach leaves powder, Beet root dehydrated juice, Rosehip fruit dry extract. titrated at 70% in Vitamin C, Vitamin C, Apricot fruit dehydrated juice, Watercress aerial part dry extract, Nettle leaves dry extract, Carrot root dehydrated juice, Manganese, Quatrefolic® Folic Acid (liposomal formula, more bioavailable), Cyanocolabanine (Vitamin B12).

In Ferrogreen, iron tablets supplement, while iron contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin and helps reduce tiredness and fatigue, Vitamin C promotes greater absorption. Manganese and Vitamin B12 together with Iron and Vitamin C contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism, furthermore Vitamin B12 contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells. In this product, the new formula has both Iron folic acid patented, high bioavailability). It is not a simple iron tablets supplement: here are other reasons.

Thanks to the patented complex “Lipocoated® iron” (iron in liposomal form) it was in fact possible to enclose the iron pyrophosphate (a salt which is optimally bioavailable and not irritating to the intestinal mucous membranes), inside phospholipidic microspheres. Phospholipid microspheres increase the bioavailability of iron pyrophosphate through precise mechanisms: penetration into the phospholipid double layer of intestinal cells; fluidization of the phospholipidic membrane; stimulation of conformational changes of iron protein transporters; stimulation of the active absorption of iron.

Clinical studies carried out to evaluate the absorption and bioavailability of LipoCoated® iron have shown that: LipoCoated® iron has a higher absorption compared to ferrous sulphate (present in classic forms on the market); the hematochemical parameters of iron metabolism, such as sideremia, ferritinemia, the percentage of transferrin have undergone a greater increase with Ferro LipoCoated® compared to ferrous sulphate.

Dr. Laura Comollo

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