Cystitis is inflammation of the urinary tract, generally attributed to a bacterial infection or, more rarely, to traumas, allergies or situations of diminished immune resistance. In about 80% of cases the bacterium is responsible Escherichia Coli followed by other strains such as Proteus, Enterobacter, Pseudomonas and a fungus called Candida.


These bacteria “inhabit” commonly in the intestine and reside there without causing disturbances if they are present in low numbers. Problems arise when they multiply excessively due to poor balance with the beneficial bacterial flora. Then they tend to migrate out of the intestine through the anal opening and to contaminate urethra and bladder, usually sterile, causing cystitis.

Cystitis is characterized by ACUTE form, which usually arises suddenly and is characterized by frequent and painful urination to urinate, followed by the emission of a few drops of urine with burning especially at the end of urination, and by the RECIDIVING form: the symptoms they are the same as acute cystitis but with a tendency to repeat itself over time.

Subjects with diabetes mellitus (glycosuria favors bacterial growth), catheterized (catheters placed in place often predispose to bacterial and fungal infections), or benign prostatic hypertrophy could be the most affected.

How is the infection?

The bacteria colonize the periurethral tissues and then pass through the urethra. At this point the bacteria adhere to the walls of the urethra and bladder with subsequent proliferation. An adhesion that takes place thanks to real adhesive adhesives called adhesins.

Bacterial adhesins are located at the ends of “pili” or “fimbrie” that arise from the bacterium wall. Through the adhesins the bacteria interact with the urothelial cells, they begin to multiply and therefore to exert their damaging effect. The bacterial fimbriae are basically of two types:

  • P-type Fimbrie: promote adhesion to urothelial cells by binding to galactose expressed on the cell. The adhesiveness promoted by this type of fimbriae is inhibited by the Cranberry-type Proanthocyanidins (1994 study, published in the journal «Jama» carried out on 153 elderly women afflicted by recurrent cystitis.
  • Type 1 Fimbrie: sensitive mannose, mediating adhesion to mucopolysaccharides of the epithelial cell. The adhesiveness promoted by this type of fibers is inhibited by some sugars such as D-mannisio. Type I pili, sensitive to mannose, also have an important role in the biofilm start-up phases.

What is recurrent or relapsing cystitis?

Si parla di “cistite ricorrente” quando si presentano almeno 2 episodi nell’arco di 6 mesi e 3 o più episodi durante l’anno. Le donne con cistiti ricorrenti hanno una maggiore predisposizione alla colonizzazione vaginale da uropatogeni, a causa di una maggiore propensione dei batteri nell’aderire alle cellule uroteliali. La causa della cistite ricorrente è da ricondurre alla formazione di colonie batteriche organizzate nel cosiddetto “biofilm”batterico.

Dopo aver aderito alla parete della vescica ifatti, per interazione dei suoi pili con i recettori presenti sulle cellule uroteliali, il batterio di Escherichia Coli attiva un processo a cascata che gli consente di creare delle “comunità intracellulari” che andranno a rivestire la superficie come una struttura complessa denominata “biofilm”. Questo meccanismo consente al batterio di sottrarsi all’azione degli antibiotici e alle risposte immunitarie dell’organismo e quindi di sopravvivere nel tratto urinario per mesi. I biofilm permettono la sopravvivenza delle cellule batteriche in un ambiente ostile.

What we recommend as natural remedies against cystitis:

1) The innovative approach of Cramberry fast resolution tablets and cramberry sachets

2) Specchiasol’s approach: NoCist Intensive sachets e NoCist Prevent capsules.

Regarding the 1) approach, Cramberry fast resolution is a dietary supplement in tablets. In the same package there are two types of tablets: white tablet day action and violet tablet night action. The action-day tablet contains D-mannose, similar to the fimbriae (“legs”) of type 1 of Escherichia Coli, and of magnesium carbonate as alkalinizer of urine, which favors the hydrolysis of D-mannose, accelerating its activity. The night action tablet includes vitamin C, the Cranberry which with its high content of proanthocyanidins present in the berries acts in synergy with D-mannose and D-mannose. The proanthocyanidins A have an affinity on the fimbriae P of Escherichia Coli, thus acting in synergy with the D-mannose and the vitamin C has the function of stimulating the immune defenses and lowering the urinary pH, thus promoting the action of the Cranberry, which it is more efficient at an acidic pH.

In summary, in addition to drinking at least 2 liters of natural water a day to dilute the urine, avoiding bacterial concentration and proliferation:

  • for the ACUTE phase: Cramberry fast resolution, which can be combined with Erboflora intolerance, fitointimo vaginal lavender, phytointimo detergent.
  • for the PREVENTIVE phase (specific for subjects with only one episode of cystitis in the last year or two in the last six months: cramberry sachets associated with phytointimo vaginal lavage and phytointimo detergent.

This program has been validated by the Observational Study on acute and recurrent cystitis in women, performed at the University of Siena, by the urologist Dr. Giovanni De Rubertis.

With regard to the 2) approach of Specchiasol, it proposes No Cist: NoCist rebalances the physiological functions of the urinary system and prevents the onset of subsequent recurrent infections. Specifically, here too, a specific differentiation is proposed for the acute form (NoCist Intensive) and for the recurrent form (NoCist prevent). Here are the ingredients chosen by Specchiasol for NoCist: Cranberry (Vaccinium Macrocarpon) berries, which inhibits the adhesins present on P type fimbriae of Escherichia coli and D-mannose: Inhibition of the adhesins present on Escherichia coli type 1 fimbriae. N-acetylcysteine: Mucolytic agent capable of increasing the bioavailability of the active substances promoting its absorption, able to improve the activity against biofilm-forming bacteria. Birch alba leaves and .: the extract of the birch leaves promotes the elimination of excess liquids. Between the two products changes the titration of Cramberry in PACs, in short chain for the acute form and in mixed chain for the prolonged action.

The importance of intimate hygiene:

Very important, to prevent cystitis, it is intimate hygiene! All natural approaches must include an action to restore the proper intimate ecosystem.

Dr. Laura Comollo

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